Are you a climate lover or liar?
climatometre is an exploration of potential environmental dissonance in our daily lives. Do our own actions betray our desire to be conscientious global citizens? Are we being good ancestors?
We all love the Earth and want to do no harm. But are we?
Our hope in creating this work is to inspire and empower us all. The goal is citizen action.
Will you have the courage to notice your responses on the climatometre? Are we lying to ourselves about our love for planet Earth, in our actions?
Notice any dissonance in your own heart? Give yourself opportunity to ponder, and ask inwardly.
Follow along with the video prompts, answer openly and truthfully. Our future depends on it. We offer questions and influential facts, uncovered in our search; these potent realizations we share in hope for immediate collective and individual action.
Heart rate elevated? (a sign of a potential lie) Are we lying to ourselves? Do we have blind spots? A fun thing might be to use a heart monitoring app to track your reactions.